edition - Die Fachzeitschrift für Terminologie

edition 2/2015


Terminologie-Marathon: Aufbau einer Terminologiestrategie in einer Organisation

Autor: Mark D. Childress The terminology management team in an organization is ultimately responsible for creating an overarching terminology strategy in order to ensure the success of terminology work. The strategy must be coordinated with the strategies of the organization as well as with those of the stakeholders in terminology work. To that end the terminology management team needs to identify the major factors affecting terminology work and account for their influence as part of a well-constructed terminology strategy.

Gemeinsam an Terminologie arbeiten

Autorin: Jasmin Nesbigall It's a long way to establish terminology in a company. And it's an even longer one to maintain and expand it, especially when there is more than one language to work on. Terminology in foreign languages is often kept up-to-date by language service providers (LSP) who comment on improper terms and suggest new ones during translation. Thus, companies rely on the input of their LSPs and should establish a joint workflow. This article presents examples of best practices.

Standards for language resources in ISO – Looking back at 13 fruitful years?

Autor: Laurent Romary This paper provides an overview of the various projects carried out within ISO TC 37/SC 4 dealing with the management of language (digital) resources. On the basis of the technical experience gained in the committee and the wider standardization landscape the paper identifies some possible trends for the future.

Laienverständliche Terminologie in schweizerischen Arztrechnungen

Autor: Christian Kriele Medical invoices in Switzerland are highly specialised texts and are often very difficult for laypersons to understand. A research project based at the ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences aims to redesign such texts by creating a version which will be accessible to non-specialists and allow them to check the content more easily. One very important aspect taken into account is the use of specialised terminology.

LookUp 7

Autoren: Nicole Keller und Detlef Reineke Das Terminologieverwaltungssystem LookUp des schwäbischen Übersetzungs- und Dokumentationsunternehmens D.O.G. GmbH ist rein webbasiert aufgebaut und richtet sich vor allem an Unternehmen mit mehreren Nutzern und ist somit weniger ein Tool für Einzelnutzer. Der Zugriff auf die Daten erfolgt über einen Webbrowser, erfordert also keine lokale Software-Installation. Somit ist die Nutzung von LookUp unabhängig vom Betriebssystem und ...

Why Businesses Deploy Multilingual Knowledge Systems (MKS)

Autor: Michael Wetzel Language resources like lexicons, glossaries, dictionaries, and terminologies here; knowledge systems such as taxonomies, classification systems, nomenclatures, thesauri, ontologies, encyclopaedias and wikis there. All capture either language or knowledge to a varying degree. Multilingual Knowledge Systems (MKS) capture both: language and knowledge. Where is the value in such a fusion of – historically – rather separated worlds?