edition - Die Fachzeitschrift für Terminologie

edition 1/2019

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Fachsprachliche Nachschlagewerke für technische Redakteurinnen und Redakteure – Ergebnisse einer empirischen Studie

Autor: Georg Löckinger It is commonplace for technical communicators to search for domain-specific information. However, their information needs and requirements for special language reference tools have received scant attention in the research literature to date. This article aims to shed a light on this research gap by presenting results from a recent empirical study.

Terminologiearbeit in der Spielelokalisierung

Autor: Michael Bochmann-Tao This article shows how multilingual terminology work can improve the quality of the localization of computer games. Term defi nitions provide context for termbase users, and the principles for coining new terms as well as concept systems help to fi nd adequate target language terms. This is important to achieve so-called immersion.

Terminologieverwaltung 2.0 – Gerüstet für die Zukunft

Autoren: Nicolas Fischer und Vivien Krämer Due to increasing responsibilities within the company and a growing amount of data, our tool landscape became more and more complex. In order to fulfi l new requirements and to develop as terminologists, we needed a change. This article provides an overview of the decision, planning, and implementation process for a new terminology management system.

Terminologiesysteme und Workflow-Automation für Simultandolmetscher: CAI-Tools und Forschung im HeiCiC-Korpus der Universität Heidelberg

Autor: Christoph Stoll Computer-Aided Intepreting (CAI) has come a long way since the fi rst two terminology tools designed for use during simultaneous interpreting were presented at the DTT 2000 conference. A spate of research projects and publications have since mapped the workfl ow of professional conference interpreters, including knowledge management and automatic term extraction for the preparation phase. This paper aims to give an overview of current tools, use cases and research with an outlook onto the next stages of research into workfl ow automation for conference interpreters working at technical meetings.